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My Beautiful Daughters Lani, Navi, And Scar


man navi to think you almost werent my kido thanks to me being upset about not being asked. im glad i changed my mind and let you come in to this family because to this day id never regret it. you are nothing but an angel. i love you and im so glad i have the chance to have a child like you on imvu. you are more then just imvu to me for ill do anything for u here or real.  ill always be here for u no matter what the situation is ur stuck with me kido so thank you babygirl for being in my life and not ever giving up on me i love you.

-Your Mama



you know squirt its so strange how we met, meeting you i never though you would be my child. you had parents when i met you even though they where so crazy i remmber them getting jealous for u hanging out in my daycare and having to explain to them u where just a friend, and then it all happen u left that family and became my little trinny.  that day you became a little blessing in my life.  you became my sweet little mini me and i just want u to know i love you and will go through think and thin with you, i know we fight sometimes and get upset with eachother but that will never change anything because mama will never let you go you are my princess forever.  I Love you.

-Your Mama


Scar,i dont even know where to start with you. i remember being this noob lady who just recently was a child looking for a little kido. i think you where the only kido that gave me a chance and didnt mess things up right away.  you and i been through alot kido, alot of things u didnt even do that i just let get to me. and i just want u to know that no matter what happens with us ill always be here. as your mom and your friend. we have a past and now a future you will always be my little peypey even when we go through the weather. I Love You always.

-Your Mama


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