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My Darling Love Chris Evans


        I Love you so much baby. as each day goes by there is not a day i dont think about you, every minture of the day it is you on my mind. there is just something about you that just drives me to you. i have met so many people on imvu and never have i been so driven to one guy. im so lost with you, by this i mean when im not with you or when i do not hear from you i go crazy. i literally dont know what to do without you. you are not only my lover but my best friend, i can be so open with you i trust you with everything. in the being i was so scared of falling i almost lost you, you didnt give up on me you stayed and showed me it was ok to fall. each day i thank you for that because i have no idea what id do without you. id defintly be lost. and i just want you to know baby im here, i always will be. ill stand by ur side threw thick and thin no matter how deep the syrup gets ill be here baby.  your my soul mate <3 and ill always love you no matter what happens. so when your alone and u think no ones there i am. when you need a shoulder to cry on my will be bare. I Love You Darling

forever and a day always.

-Your Wife



 Note:  for the lady and or men who view this he mine so back off. i dont share, i dont care who u r he mine. im the most jealous women in the world and not scared to admit it my husband is mine and mine only so keep ur whorish hands off him :D cause not only will u have to deal with me but u will be sorry for it. have a nice day c:

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